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Wudumate Classic at Disneyland Hong Kong

We love it when somebody finds a WuduMate when they weren't expecting one, and it makes their day better.

We recently found this TripAdvisor review of Disneyland Hong Kong, and the poster, a Muslim from Singapore, is delighted to have found two halal restaurants, and a prayer room with an ablution area featuring the WuduMate Classic.

The review reads

You're Muslim and first time visiting Hong Kong? Afraid not. You will be surprised to know that Hong Kong Disneyland actually have two halal outlets namely The Explorer Club and the other The Tahiti Terrace. As a Muslim, I'm very impressed that they also have prayer room complete with the ablutions room. You just need to bring your own praying mat and there you go!

You can see this lovely review here Trip Advisor Review of Disneyland Hong Kong

If you have found prayer and ablution facilities in a place where you weren't expecting them, whether it is your workplace or another public space, we would love to hear from you. Please send your testimonials with a photo to info@wudumate.com. We would love to share your photos and your opinions, but we can keep your name and the company's name private if you, or your employer would prefer.

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Specialist Washing Solutions For All Building Types


Tel: +44 (0) 1784 748080

Pacific Time Zone
Tel: +1 513-815-3070 

Specialist Washing Company Ltd, registered in England & Wales number 6239360

Trading as WuduMate®

Registered Office: Suite 6, Dukes House, 4-6 High Street, Windsor, SL4 1LD
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