We received this Testimonial from Imam Nadim Ali of the Community Masjid of the West End of Atlanta, Georgia.
The Masjid recently installed a series of WuduMate Modular units in their wudu area.
When our old wudu station needed repairs at our Masjid, which is housed in a structure that is nearly 115 years old, I said to myself that there must be a better way to do this. So I did an online search and found WuduMate.
We decided to give them a try, and when the units arrived, we were impressed with the quality and the design. At last, Muslims can stop putting their feet in the sinks.
Once the units were installed, just before this year's Ramadan, everyone that saw and utilised the units were impressed with the comfort that the units provided while making wudu.
Thank you, WuduMate, for having the creativity and ingenuity to provide this much-needed product and service for the Muslim community.
Imam Nadim Ali - Community Masjid of Atlanta